Where Everybody Knows Your Name
Remembering Warmer Days - NYC Street Photos
Give People Something They Need
Spreading Holiday Cheer.. In the Advertising World
Breaking Point
Patterns in the Chaos
Life in Photos: Jazz Age Lawn Party Part Three
My Photography1920s, 2013, costume, dancing, Governor's Island, Jazz Age Lawn Party, New York, New York City, photography, summer, vintage
Life in Photos: Jazz Age Lawn Party Part Two
My Photography1920s, costume, dancing, Governor's Island, Jazz Age Lawn Party, New York, New York City, retro, summer 2013, vintage
Life in Photos: Jazz Age Lawn Party Part One
My Photography1920s, costume, dancing, dress up, Governor's Island, Jazz Age Lawn Party, New York, nyc, outside, party, summer
The Art of Pulling at Your Heart Strings
Life in Photos: Seattle
Life in Photos: Bastille Day on Smith Street
My PhotographyBastille Day, Brooklyn, fashion, France, French, New York City, Smith Street, street fair, summer, vintage
Life in Photos: Gay Pride Parade - The Men
Life in Photos: Gay Pride Parade - The Ladies
My Photographyfashion, gay, Gay Pride Parade, New York City, nyc, parade, photography, street photography, style, summer, women
Life in Photos: Colorado
Faith In Humanity Restored: Cheerios
PonderingsAdvertising, Cheerios, children, digital strategy, generation Z, JWT, millennials, mixed race, multicultural, planning, strategy
Tectonic Shift In Advertising
Robin Thicke's Banned Video & Thoughts On Sexism
Ponderingsart history, culture, feminism, NSFW, nudity, Pharrell, power, Robin Thicke, sexism, women
Staying In The Black: Budgeting Tips For Freelancers