Adidas: All In
This video reminds me of what Beth Kaiser from Arnold said in the PSFK series about psychology leading to better advertising, i.e. the video and heart pumping music probably activated certain parts of my brain that got my adrenaline going.This is a kick ass video. You'll watch it and for a moment you'll get pumped. You'll want to go out for a jog - no - sprint, go clubbing, or like me, contemplate getting your 3rd pair of black and white, Gazelle sneakers just to walk around the city. You'll watch it and in the end think, "fuck yeah" and think you're moderately "hard core" for identifying with that feeling of intensity. You'll think back to playing high school sports when your coach made you run suicides until you were beat red, contemplating how this kind of torture could be legal. And you'll think about Adidas as a brand and how you kind of forgot how much you loved them, mainly for the simplistic elegance and symbol of their iconic three stripes, how wearing them made you feel a little bit more European, cool and in the know. And will seriously consider purchasing an Adidas zip-up windbreaker now that you're more inclined to run outside since getting the Nike + app.