The End of Throw Away Fashion?
There have been many articles written about the rising prices of cotton, upcoming inflation and how it will effect clothing prices. The NY Times recently discussed how consumers are holding on to products longer and making them last. PSFK linked an article from The Telegraph about factories in China slowing down denim production because of an increase in wages, government restrictions and rising cost of cotton. As someone who's slightly addicted to cheap clothing, I thought this was an interesting issue. I have trouble stomaching a huge, one time purchase that I can just as likely stain, rip, or wear out on my lengthy walks throughout whatever city I'm in, as cheap clothing. And yet, it's quite possible that I spend just as much a year on clothing as my designer-brand-loving counterparts. I recognize that having two of the same shirt in different colors and a $15 beaded t-shirt from Forever 21 isn't helping anyone. I've lived on two suitcases worth of clothing for the last three months and have survived happily. In fact, I plan on donating or selling clothing before I head back to New York. There's something to be said about having less stuff.But where does this leave marketers? How will our consumption driven society cope with people spending less? Companies will have to emphasize the quality and timelessness of their clothing over having the latest styles. I went to the Garden State Plaza mall recently and was blown away by how many copycat, cheap clothing stores had opened since the last time I was there. Despite the recession, the Garden State, 30 minutes away from Manhattan, has actually expanded to include a movie theater, a multitude of new retail and restaurant spaces and has gone both upscale and downscale - if that were possible. Personally, I for one, do not want to support an economy based on disposable goods of every type and believe that smart retailers who buck that trend, will adjust and prosper.
In fact, I do remember a time before H&M and Forever 21 when teenage style was driven by reasonably priced Express, oversized, vintage flannel shirts and once per season shopping trips. We're becoming an ADD society where in addition to having a constant stream of information thrown at us, we're also constantly tempted to purchase new stuff. I predict a backlash against overconsumption, being overly informed and hyper-connected.