
My Brief Rant Against Baby Boomers

Or maybe just my parents...

I just had to give my parents a lecture on why they should unplug their electronics when not in use. We live in a liberal town. My parents never questioned global warming. They recycle. BUT - I almost think that they are TRYING to waste electricity. Or maybe they just don't know. Freaking baby boomers. They've had all the fun. They had the Beatles... when all four were alive. They had Free Love with No AIDS. Drugs were okay, well at least until they figured out the long-term effects. And danced to DISCO! They had the glutenous 80's. They had the first tech boom. And I ask them to do one freaking simple thing. Unplug your computer before you go to sleep! Unplug the freakin air conditioner that's not in use 9 months of the year. Is it really necessary for me to spell out exactly what vampire power means? Do I have to argue with you on this? Oh yeah.. save electricity. Same the environment, cause you know... my children are going to be on this earth, and my children's children and I'm sure they'd like all the same benefits and resources that you've had.. except maybe.. even better. 
okay. I'm done.

P.S. I entirely admit that this is a perfect shit storm caused by finishing an awesome program in an amazing, environmentally friendly city - to officially entering the world of the unemployed while temporarily living at home with my parents in NJ where it's at least 30 degrees colder than San Francisco. Phew.. breathing.. deeply.
