
New York Is a Very Small Island

Okay.. It's come to this. Another "it's a small world post." On Saturday, I went to a World Cup Soccer game party at a bar in the West Village. I was invited by a friend of a friend - someone I had just met a week earlier through (try to follow me here) my ex boyfriend of 4 yrs ago's, friend's ex girlfriend. Even though my friend wasn't going, I figured I'd keep with my "When in doubt, go out" motto of meeting new people. I noticed, oddly enough that on the guest list, there was a girl I met a few months ago at a bar and became friends with because we're in the same industry. Small world. Then while I was watching the game, I noticed someone who looked like some guy I went to high school with. Actually my sister's good friend's brother. Finally, I got up the nerve to talk to him and it turned out it was him! And he works in advertising. Small world. He actually thought I looked exactly like my sis. I guess people think that if we're not together. Small world.

Then last night, I went to an Advertising Club of New York panel discussion. I was sitting down, waiting for it to start when a girl came up to me, asking if I was at the event alone. Hmm.. yes I was. So she sat next to me and introduced herself. Fast forward to this morning. My friend Gchatted me and mentioned her roommate was at the event. She knew I was there because of my FourSquare. She said her name and I described the girl sitting next to me. Same person. Holy cow. Small world.

The end.