
PSFK Video on Account Planning

So if you're not interested in advertising or Account Planning, this video probably isn't for you.. but for those of you who are, this is an informative video. I'm currently working on an application for an Account Planning program and am struck how every question somehow responds to their ideas of what makes a good account planner. Der. I guess that would make sense since account planning is all about gathering the right information and asking the right questions to lead the creative process. Or something like that. Yeah, so I tend to pick the job functions that can't be summed up at a cocktail party in one sentence. But I suppose it's a conversational piece.
In other news. I know that the idea of "Account Planning" began in London.. but why are all the people they interviewed British transplants? I think they need a little infusion of New Jersey blood. Hollar. Or NYC.. something like that.
Advertising, PSFK, strategy