So here I go.. my observations. Right now, as I sit in my air conditioned apartment, after having been back in NYC for three days, I contemplate whether or there's a vast conspiracy with New York. I'm sure my sentiments will change back to their usual "I love New York." But I've started to wonder.. is there a conspiracy that brain washes New Yorkers into thinking that New York is the best place to live so we will put up with the living expensive, day to day bs of commuting on the hot, crowded subway, lack of access to real nature, lack of access to actually getting outside the city, seeing beautiful scenery everyday, etc.? It's just a thought. That will hopefully pass soon.. or maybe not. This comes on the heels of having looked at new apartments on the Upper West Side that are smaller than my current 5th floor walk up and pricier, having realized that I'm about to go into freak out mode with the money situation and need to get on the ball with applying to this program. Yeah, all good thoughts.
And in other news, going to Colorado and spending quality time with old family and those that I just met was (perhaps) a life changing experience. To be perfectly honest, I come from a pretty cool family and have some notable family members that have achieved great things on both sides. On my mom's side, I come from writers, store owners, creatives, etc. and on my dad's side, come from pioneers in religion, health, and people who endured a lot of hardships to move their family to a more promising place. It gives me a sense of pride, is encouraging and also makes me realize I have to shape up even more and get my ass in gear whether I decide to get an MBA, etc. Finally, I had a revelation with men as I watched my cousin get married to a great guy, met my other cousin's husband, and hung out and met various family members.. that who ever I marry will become part of MY family. I know that's obvious but it makes me re-evaluate my previous choices and gives me a better idea of who is good for me. If I realized this a while ago, half the guys I dated would have been kicked to the curb early on. And knowing this helps me get over relationships that didn't work out in the long run. Was all for the best.

Performer in Boulder. He was hard to watch.. scary stuff. |
8:15 morning hike in Colorado Springs. We are champions. That was sort of some serious stuff. Of course there were people running on the trail. |
The Broadmoor |
My sister lounging in the Broadmoor like she owns the place. |
The coolest "family heirloom." A.O. Aaker - my great grandfather and famous doctor who died in a weird, tragic way, tripping over something and rupturing his spleen. |
My sister with two of the most adorable kids ever (well in top 5!) Luke is a genius, as he tells us.. and Marley is the sweetest girl I've ever met. I think she gave each of us about 7 hugs within the 7 hours that we hung out. |