It's 10:40am on a Sunday and I haven't made coffee, haven't left my room or made breakfast mainly because this little one month old bugger gets separation anxiety.. So the story is, I got a KITTEN yesterday!!! A friend from high school posted these absolutely adorable photos exactly at the moment that I was starting to randomly feel slightly down. It was amazing. Her coworker's boyfriend's cat had kittens and brought this one into her work even though the kitten is obviously way too young. They said they got one of their cats at 1 month old and they haven't had any problems so I figured.. hey, why not. She (or he) will have a loving home! And here she is. Although I think it's probably a male kitten cause the orange ones usually are. I'm leaning towards Oscar (of course) if it's a male and Pippi if it's a female. Thoughts?