Smugger's Notch - All Together Now
Wow! I've been crazy busy this morning. Hellz yeah. I totally prefer running on adrenaline than being so bored that I need copious amounts of caffeine to stay awake. So I don't have time to give the play by play but a picture is worth a thousand words right? The highlights were that I'm apparently sort of a natural - only took a half hour lesson from my friend Mike who was kind enough to help us. But apparenently I'm dangerous to myself and others and I probably should have taken an official lesson and SLOWED DOWN. The weekend was about overcoming some fears. I still had to get myself into a happy place while on the very high two person lift even when I was sitting next to my boyfriend. Yeah, heights and I don't get along. Not a rational fear and I must have fallen to my death in a past life. I certainly fell on my ass about five times and lost a bit of confidence towards the third run.
I ate tons of junk food. My body is now made up of 60% Cheetos, Doritos and potato chips. The people I went with are super awesome. I had the opportunity to spend quality time with mostly everyone and it was lovely having some simple, wholesome fun like completing the hardest hologram puzzle known to man and playing bullshit. It was great to be on the road. I laughed so hard to a Dane Cook's stand up routine I had to stop myself from seriously crying and freaking out the three other guys in our car. And I think I've finally forgiven them for abandoning me during karaoke. And now.. for your viewing pleasure..

I don't know why I love this picture. It's an action shot!


Some morning puzzle action

A frozen tear.

Sunday afternoon lunch at Casa Del Sol in Vermont.
And if you're interested in seeing more pictures from my weekend, you can check out my flickr here.