Steadying My Heartbeat
I'm at my parent's house in NJ. I took the day off to do a photo shoot with my sister for my final photography assignment. It was everything I hoped for and more. Sort of. My flash with an extension cord experiment didn't work. I'll have to figure out what part of my hundreds of dollars of equipment didn't work and what I'll need to return.
I came home yesterday to find Cheetos in the cabinet. Really??! I yelled at my parents that it was like dangling some heroin in front of a recovering addict. After grabbing a handful, I insisted that my father hide it from me, well. Tonight I decided that I might as well have one last handful since I was going back into the city tomorrow. I quietly went to search for it in the pantry near the basement. And all of a sudden heard a massive growl, causing me to literally scream out loud and come way to close to peeing in my pants. Thanks dad! Holy crap. No Cheetos for me. Shiver.. I'll go back to reading the third installment of Twilight, thank you very much!